Ref NoD-RKL/1595
Acc No3814
Description1 Dame Mary Philipps Philipps, wife of Sir Charles Edward Gregg Philipps, baronet, of Picton Castle
2 Henry Leach of Corston, a retired Lieutenant Colonel in Her Majesty's Army, and Frederick Lewis Lloyd Philipps of Pentyparc, esq.
3 Sir Charles Edward Gregg Philipps, Sir William Davies, knight, Edward Eaton Evans, solicitor, Stephen Green, gent., John Donald George Higgon, esq.. His Honour William
Stevenson Owen, judge of County Courts, George Leader Owen, esq., and Joseph Thomas, esq., trustees of Sir John Perrott's trust
Property - 2 houses at the junction of Market Street and Dew Street, Haverfordwest St Mary, in the occupation of George Williams and William Sinnett
Consideration - £600
With plan
With contract for sale dated 17 Jul 1893 and other papers
Date13 Nov 1893
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