Ref NoD-RKL/1638
Acc No3814
TitleDraft agreement to sale
Description1 Richard Thomas Propert Williams of Haverfordwest, solicitor, Sir Henry Edward Erasmus Philipps, bait, of Tregeb, Llandilo, Carms., Major William George Eaton Evans of
Haverfordwest, solicitor, Richard Sinnet of Haverfordwest, retired post office official, Richard Evans of Haverfordwest, butcher, Leslie Hugh Ellis of Haverfordwest,
manager of Shell - Mex Oil Company and John Nicholas of Haverfordwest, draper, trustees of Sir John Perrot's Charity
2 Sidney B Morgan of Haverfordwest, retired builder
Property - 25 Dew Street, Haverfordwest
Consideration - £300
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