Description | Records of Pembrokeshire County Council, Education Department, 1833-1974, including letter books, 1918-1943; correspondence files, 1905-1960; minute books and attendance books of secondary school governors, 1843-1978; minute books of technical institutes, 1950-1969; Education Department group correspondence files, 1903-1910; files and registers of letters received, 1903-1924; letters concerning attendance at school, 1900-1977; general correspondence from the Director of Education, 1933-1940; records relating to staffing and teacher training, 1902-1952; records relating to wartime, 1914-1945; records relating to school medical officer, 1912-1972; records relating to school property, 1873-1945; records relating to school meals, 1958-1962; records relating to elementary and primary education, 1902-1973; records relating to intermediate and technical education, 1833-1965; records realting to other education, 1891-1974; records relating to Pembrokeshire Education Committee, 1912-1972; and miscellanea, 1889-1970. Arranged into the following: letter books; correspondence files; minute books and attendance books of secondary school governors; minute books of technical institutes; education department group correspondence files; files and registers of letters received; letters concerning attendence at school; general correspondence from the Director of Education; staffing and teacher training; wartime 1914-1945; school medical officer; school property; school meals; elementary and primary education; intermediate and technical education; other education; Pembrokeshire Education Committee; printed miscellanea; volumes of returns of Pembrokeshire schools under the 1902 Education Act; plans; circulars to schools; examination results from WJEC Summer 1983 (A' and O' level); miscellaneous general items transferred from individual schools. |